quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009

Google APPS

Conheça mais, sobre esta ferramenta

1- http://services.google.com/apps/resources/overviews/welcome/topicWelcome/index.html

2- video google apps

Google Apps for Business Overview - including Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Spreadsheets, Google Sites and Google Video

Google Apps Product Overview
The needs for sharing enterprise information have evolved dramatically in the last few years. Yet, enterprise tools for sharing this information have remained in the past. Systems, tools and user interfaces that were designed for a world driven by paper documents are now outdated as the volume of digital information has exploded.

That gap between current information sharing needs and current tools have left users asking: Why cant it just work like Google? The answer is that it can work just like Google. And it should.

Google Apps addresses todays needs end users have for communicating, sharing and collaborating. At the same time, Google Apps for Enterprise tackles the most common business pains IT organizations face when trying to provide a secure, scalable and cost-effective collaboration infrastructure.

Our offering includes hosted email, instant messaging, shared scheduling , document editing & collaboration, video sharing, and web-page sharing.

quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2009

GMail Drive

Uma soluçáo ainda experimental, de uma alternativa para usar o gmail como storage,
o táo esperado gdisk ou coisa assim.

sábado, 10 de janeiro de 2009